
先般ご案内しました通り、2019年6月27日(水)にニューヨーク市で開かれた国連中小企業の日記念イベント「Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day」に浜野製作所が参加、登壇いたしました。



国連 MSME Day 2019  <日本語> ※英語の原文は後半に記載いたしました。




大企業だけでなく、スタートアップや研究機関など、今や世界中の人々が、課題解決に挑戦しています。例えばAIやバイオテクノロジーなど、世の中を変える科学技術がたくさん生まれています。しかし、これらの科学技術を、プロダクトやサービスとして社会実装する時に、「どうやってものづくりをすれば良いか分からない」と多くの人々が困っているのです。我々には長年培ってきた、ものづくりの技術やノウハウ、そして中小企業のネットワークがあります。構想段階から試作開発、量産まで一気通貫でプロダクト開発ができるのです。研究者や起業家の力と、中小企業のものづくりの力を融合させることで、社会課題の解決を目指す、「Garage Sumida」というインキュベーション施設を2014年に作りました。設立以来、100社以上のスタートアップが職人とコラボレーションを行い、様々なプロダクトを生み出してきました。本日は2つ事例を紹介します。


次の事例はチャレナジーです。彼らは次世代風力発電機を開発しており、台風発電によるクリーンエネルギー社会の実現に挑戦しています。サンフランシスコで開催されるCLEANTECH OPENの2017年優勝者であり、2014年の設立から、5年以上の開発期間を経て、今年、フィリピン政府に高さが20mもある実機を納める予定です。時間が無いため、プロダクトの原理は説明できませんが、台風には非常に大きなエネルギーがあると言われており、この風力発電機には、原発や未電化地域のエネルギー問題を解決する力があります。素晴らしいテクノロジーと高い志を持っているチャレナジーですが、5年前には手作りのモデルしかありませんでした。Garage Sumidaで職人と二人三脚で開発したからこそ、彼らの夢は実現しつつあるのです。



Good afternoon, I am Keiichi Hamano from Hamano Products. I am honored to be invited to such an exciting day. 

We are a metal processing factory running more than 50 years in a district called Sumida, which is in Tokyo, Japan. When you hear the word Tokyo, you may imagine massive metropolitan city, but in fact, historically, there have been big numbers of SME factories in Sumida. However, because of the severe global competition and the shortages of successor, bad number of these factories have been closing down. There used to be 10,000 SMEs, and now, only 2,000 of them are still alive. At this rate, the technique of manufacturing in Japan, will disappear. As you look over at society, we are suffering from social problems, for example, aging society with low birth rate, or problems of energy. We, believe, that power of Japanese Manufacturing, can contribute to solve these issues. To pass on this wonderful technique, we have worked on various projects. Eventually, Japanese Emperor has visited our factory to encourage our activities, last June.

Please let me talk about how I started to wish that I want to contribute to the world through manufacturing. Hamano Products was established in 1967, and in the June of 2000, our factory had burnt down because of the fire from our neighborhood. All the production line got suspended, and we could not pay salary to our employees, which meant a situation of almost bankrupt. However, in that hardest time, our employees, our customers, and the local people there devoted there power to help the company. From this experience, I made our company philosophy, which goes, “Show hospitality at all time, appreciate and return profits to customers, collagues, and community, and be a vibrant company with a dream, hope and pride”, and we have been kept trying to make the world better through manufacturing.

Not only big enterprises but also startups or research institutions and so on…, say, everybody is trying to make the world better. There has been innovative technologies arising, such as AI or Bio technologies and so on. However, when it comes to implement phase, where you need to develop products and services, most of them are suffering from the problems that they don’t know how to realize their idea. On the other hand, we have techniques, know-how, and network of SME factories. We can help develop products from the phase of planning, prototype, finally towards mass production. We have established an incubation centre called “Garage Sumida” in 2014, which combines the power of SMEs with the power of researchers and entrepreneurs, aiming to solve social problems. So far, more than 100 hardware startups have collaborated with our craftsman and developed innovative products. I would like to introduce 2 case studies today.

The first is a robot startup called Ory Laboratory. They are trying to eliminate isolation. The founder, Mr. Ory was locked in the hospital because of the illness when he was a kid. He could not hang out with his friends or his family and he suffered from the feeling that “l am useless “. Thankfully, he has recovered from illness and got back into society but there are numbers of children in the same situation. Therefore, he has developed an avatar robot called OriHime, so that you can go anywhere you want to and see people whoever you want to. For example, if you place OriHime at your home and connect it to iPhone, you can watch TV with your family although you’re in a hospital. Moreover, you can control OriHime with your eyesight. In “the Avatar Robot Cafe”, ALS patients, who cannot move their body, digitally ride onto OriHime and work as a waiter. An ALS patient said it is most painful that I get always helped by people and I never get to help people. Owing to technology, he became able to work and he has found hope to live.

The next example is Challenergy. They are developing next generational wind turbine to realize clean energy society by enabling electrical generation from typhoon. They have won CLEANTECH OPEN in 2017, which is a competition held in San Francisco and after 5 years of developing period, they are going to sell the first industrial model to the Philippines government this year. I don’t have time to explain how the product works, but a typhoon has huge energy, and Challenergy has power to solve energy problems such as Nuclear or non electrified areas. Challenergy has amazing technology and great ambition but there was only tiny hand made mockup 5 years before. Because they have  collaborated with craftsman in Garage Sumida, they are realizing their dream today.

As you see, we have tried to solve the world’s problem by connecting ambitious people who has cutting-edge technology, and the SMEs manufacturing power. To create next generation, people all over the world should help each other. In 2020, Olympic is going to be held in Tokyo, so I hope you visit Hamano as well so that we may start a new project together. Thank you very much for listening.




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